Are you in Nusa Penida and just strolling around? Or you’re probably just wondering what exactly you can do on your Nusa Penida trip. Worry not since we bring you a list of the most fun, exciting, and best Nusa Penida activities that you can do.

Each activity is a fun idea that you can do alone, or with a group of people. And the best part is, you won’t get bored.

Book Your Nusa Penida Tour Today

Ready to traveling in Nusa Penida? Let us help you make it happen with our expertly crafted day trip packages. Book your Nusa Penida day trip today and let us help you make your dreams a reality!

Bali Nature Trip (Banyumala Waterfall, Handara Gate, Ulundanu Temple, Wanagiri)

Bali, known as the “Island of the Gods,” is not only famous for its vibrant culture and stunning beaches but also for its breathtaking natural beauty. A nature trip in Bali offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in lush landscapes, awe-inspiring waterfalls, sacred temples nestled. Bali nature trip is our bali private tours that […]


1 day

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Combination Trip Nusa Penida (private tours)

Nusa Penida, a captivating island located off the coast of Bali, is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. With its stunning landscapes, breathtaking beaches, and vibrant marine life, Nusa Penida offers a wealth of experiences for travelers. Combination trip Nusa Penida is our bali private tours that will take you on an ultimate journey […]


1 day

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East Trip Nusa Penida (private Tours)

Escape to the enchanting beauty of East Nusa Penida on an all-inclusive trip that promises a seamless and unforgettable experience. This Indonesian paradise is renowned for its pristine beaches, awe-inspiring landscapes, and rich cultural heritage. With an all-inclusive trip, you can relax and fully immerse yourself in the wonders of East Nusa Penida without any […]


1 day

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East Trip Nusa Penida with 4 spot snorkeling

Have you ever dreamed of swimming with giant manta rays in Nusa Penida’s clear waters? Join a tour that starts from your Bali hotel and heads to East Nusa Penida. Start early at 6:00 AM for a Nusa Penida snorkeling tour. Enjoy a thrilling day full of beautiful sights and fun activities. A fast boat […]


1 day

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Snorkeling and diving

Nusa Penida is home to some of the best snorkeling and diving spots in Bali. The crystal-clear waters and diverse marine life make for an unforgettable experience. Popular spots include Manta Point, where you can swim with manta rays, and Crystal Bay, known for its colorful coral and fish.

Because there are numerous options for snorkeling and diving in Nusa Penida, you can visit each place at a time.

Here are a few ways to make your snorkeling and diving experience more enjoyable:

    1. Discover the marine life: Nusa Penida is known for its diverse marine life, including colorful coral reefs and a variety of fish species. Exploring the underwater world can be a lot of fun and an exciting way to discover new species.

    1. Take a snorkeling or diving course: If you are new to snorkeling or diving, taking a course can be a great way to learn about the equipment and the best practices for snorkeling or diving.

    1. Take plenty of photos: Nusa Penida’s underwater world is beautiful, so don’t forget to bring a waterproof camera or smartphone to capture the memories.

    1. Make it a group activity: Snorkeling or diving with friends or family can make the experience more enjoyable and fun.

    1. Safety first: Always follow safety guidelines and be aware of your surroundings while snorkeling or diving. Always check the weather and sea conditions before heading out.

Nusa penida best activities

Temple visiting

Nusa Penida consists of several ancient temples that offer a glimpse into the island’s rich cultural heritage. The most famous of these is Pura Penataran Ped, a temple complex perched on a hilltop with stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Other notable temples include Pura Dalem Ped, which is dedicated to the Hindu god of death, and Goa Giri Putri, a cave temple located in the heart of the island.

Here are a few ways to make your temple visit more enjoyable:

    1. Dress appropriately: It’s important to dress modestly when visiting temples in Nusa Penida. This means covering your shoulders and legs and removing hats or sunglasses.

    1. Respect local customs: Temples are sacred places and it’s important to be mindful of cultural sensitivities and to follow any rules or guidelines while visiting.

    1. Learn about the temple’s history and significance: Most of the temples in Nusa Penida has a unique history and significance, learning about them before visiting can make your experience more meaningful.

    1. Lastly, it’s also a good idea to check the temple’s visiting schedule as some temples are closed for certain days or periods of the year for ceremonies or maintenance.

Image Source : Pinterest

Trekking and hiking

Nusa Penida has the most scenic hiking and trekking routes in Bali. The most popular of these is the trek to the summit of Mount Rinjani, which offers panoramic views of the island and the surrounding seas.

Other popular routes include the trek to the viewpoint at Bukit Teletubbies, which offers a bird’s-eye view of the island, and the trek to the hidden waterfall at Kelingking Beach.

Here are a few ways to make your trekking and hiking experience more enjoyable:

    1. Go with a guide: Hiring a local guide can make your trekking and hiking experience more enjoyable as they can provide information about the island’s history and culture, as well as point out interesting plants and wildlife along the way.

    1. Take a picnic: Pack a picnic lunch and find a beautiful spot to enjoy it while taking in the views.

    1. Take plenty of photos: Nusa Penida is known for its beautiful landscapes. So don’t forget to bring a camera or smartphone to capture the memories.

    1. Plan your hike at the right time of day: Hiking in the early morning or late afternoon can be more enjoyable as the temperature is cooler and the lighting can be more dramatic for photography.

    1. Make it a group activity: Hiking and trekking with friends or family can make the experience more enjoyable and fun.

    1. Lastly, always carry enough water, wear appropriate shoes and check the weather forecast before heading out.

The Best Nusa Penida Activities

Beach hopping

Nusa Penida consists of the most beautiful and untouched beaches in Bali. The most popular of these is Kelingking Beach, known for its unique cliff-side formation and crystal clear waters. Other notable beaches include Crystal Bay, which is famous for its diving and snorkeling. Atuh Beach, which is known for its white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters.

You can come here with you family and spend quality time enjoying the view of the beaches, playing with sand, taking pictures, and so on. You can do water activities like sunbathing, beach volleyball, and bodyboarding.

Cliff Jumping

There are several spots on the island where visitors can jump off cliffs into the ocean. Cliff jumping in Nusa Penida can be a thrilling and exhilarating experience for those who enjoy adventure and adrenaline activities.

The island is known for its beautiful cliffs and clear waters, making it a popular spot for cliff jumping. It is also a great way to explore the island’s natural beauty and take in the stunning views.

However, it is important to note that cliff jumping can be dangerous. It should only be done by experienced swimmers and under the guidance of a professional instructor.

Cultural activities

Nusa Penida offers a range of cultural activities that allows you to experience the island’s traditional customs and way of life. These include traditional dances and ceremonies, cooking classes, and visits to traditional villages.

You can also take part in Batik and weaving workshops, where you can learn the art of creating traditional textiles.

As an outsider visiting Nusa Penida, there are several ways to enjoy cultural activities and immerse yourself in the local culture:

Join a guided tour: Many tour operators offer cultural tours of Nusa Penida that take you to traditional villages and provide information about the island’s customs and history.

The Best Nusa Penida Activities

The Best Nusa Penida Activities

Attend traditional ceremonies and festivals: Nusa Penida is home to several traditional ceremonies and festivals throughout the year. These events are a great way to experience the island’s culture and witness traditional customs and practices.

Learn about traditional crafts: Nusa Penida is known for its traditional crafts such as batik making, ikat weaving and songket weaving. You can visit local artisans and learn about the process of creating these traditional crafts.

Try local food: Nusa Penida’s traditional cuisine is a mix of Balinese and Nusantarian.It is a great way to experience the local culture and learn about the island’s food culture.

Respect local customs: When visiting Nusa Penida, it’s important to respect local customs and traditions. Dress modestly, be mindful of cultural sensitivities and always ask permission before taking photographs.

Visiting traditional villages

Nusa Penida is home to several traditional villages where visitors can learn about the island’s culture and history.

Visiting traditional villages in Nusa Penida can be an exciting and interesting experience. It allows you to learn about the island’s culture and history. Nusa Penida is home to several traditional villages, each with its own unique customs and way of life.

When visiting these villages, you will have the opportunity to observe the daily activities of the local people. Such as farming and fishing, and learn about their traditional crafts and customs. You can also witness traditional ceremonies and festivals that are unique to the island. It can give you a glimpse into the island’s rich cultural heritage.

Additionally, traditional villages in Nusa Penida are often located in beautiful, rural areas, surrounded by lush greenery, and offer a chance to see the island’s natural beauty up close.

Lastly, it is a great way to support local communities by buying traditional souvenirs and supporting local businesses.

Island hopping

Nusa Penida is one of the three islands that make up the Nusa islands. You can take a boat trip to explore the other two islands, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. These islands offer beautiful beaches, great surf spots, and a chance to experience local village life. There are various places to visit these islands.

The Best Nusa Penida Activities

The Best Nusa Penida Activities

Rent a Bike or Scooter

If you’re alone traveling in Nusa Penida, then you should definitely rent a bike or a scooter. You can travel along the coastal road, visit numerous places all by yourself, such as beaches like Crystal Bay, Diamond Beach, Atuh Beach, etc.

If you have a bike, you can visit different markets and shops for traditional souvenirs. And not to forget the food – this is one heck of an amazing activity!

Trying out different food places

Trying out different food places in Nusa Penida can be a fun and enjoyable way to experience the island’s culture and cuisine. Here are a few reasons why:

    1. Discovering new flavors: Nusa Penida’s traditional cuisine is a mix of Balinese and Nusantarian. It offers a variety of flavors and spices that you might not be used to. Trying out different food places can be a great way to discover new tastes and flavors.

    1. Supporting local businesses: Eating at local food places is a great way to support the island’s economy. It can help preserve its traditional culinary heritage.

    1. Meeting locals: Eating at local food places is a great way to meet the island’s inhabitants. They can tell you more about the island’s culture and local life.

    1. Finding hidden gems: Nusa Penida offers a variety of food places, from local warungs (food stalls) to fine dining restaurants. Exploring different food places can be a great way to discover hidden gems. You can find the perfect spot to suit your taste and budget.

    1. Enjoying the ambiance: Many of Nusa Penida’s food places are located in picturesque settings, surrounded by lush greenery and ocean views. Eating in these beautiful settings can make the dining experience even more enjoyable.

    1. Making memories: Trying out different food places in Nusa Penida can be a great way to make memories and have fun with friends and family.

    1. Lastly, you can try traditional dishes like “Bebek betutu” (roasted duck), “Sate lilit” (minced fish satay) and “Bebek Goreng” (fried duck) to name a few.

The Best Nusa Penida Activities


It’s always fun when you’re surrounded with a group. But Nusa Penida natives are generally nice and friendly too. You have tons of other options to do as well, such as partying at night, drinking while munching food, talking, bonfires, story-telling, reading or writing, etc.

Nonetheless, it is important to note that some activities like cliff jumping or trekking should be done under the guidance of a professional instructor and safety precautions should be taken.

Also be aware of the weather conditions. Always carry enough water, wear appropriate shoes and carry necessary equipment for your activities. It’s better to stay safe than sorry when trying out activities like cliff jumping, trekking, etc.